
NY Muslim leader talks on moderate Islam

NY Muslim leader talks on moderate Islam   The Jakarta Post | Sat, 11/06/2010 10:47 AM | Headlines US President Barack Obama has yet to arrive, but Feisal Abdul Rauf, the imam behind the planned Muslim community center close to Ground Zero in New York, is already here to lecture members of Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s Cabinet on religious tolerance. After meeting with Yudhoyono on Friday, Rauf delivered a lecture on “Promoting Moderate Islam and Striving for Harmony Among Civilizations in the 21st Century” at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta . The lecture was attended by several Cabinet ministers and religious leaders. Rauf addressed several issues, including the relationship between Islam and the US , growing Islamophobia, the nature of moderation in Islam and how to promote it, and his experiences in trying to realize the plan to build the Park51 Islamic center and mosque close to Ground Zero. Rauf said Muslims needed to “expose” people to the best