Mari Berbagi Ilmu: August 2016


Wednesday 31 August 2016

Materi Sosiologi Kelas XII hari ini

Modernisasi Bidang Politik dan Ideologi

Politik adalah semua usaha dan aktivitas manusia dalam rangka memperoleh kekuasaaan, menjalankan kekuasaan, dan mempertahankan kekuasaan dalam kaitannya dengan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan negara. Aktivitas yang dimaksud dapat dilaksanakan oleh perseorangan ataupun kolektif dan pada tingkat pusat ataupun daerah. Modernisasi dalam semua peradaban telah meluas di setiap segi kehidupan, hal ini tercermin dari meningkatnya kebutuhan, kepentingan, dan hubungan manusia dalam masyarakat. Hal ini menuntut pembaruan pada segi kehidupan politik dan ideologi negara, dalam arti usaha pemantapan dan segi pengamalannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Dalam lingkup nasional, pembaruan bidang politik dapat berupa
sebagai berikut.
1) Pembaruan perundang-undangan yang menyangkut struktur pemerintahan, seperti tentang partai politik, pemilu, dan tata tertib kampanye.
2) Usaha pemantapan ideologi negara melalui jalur pendidikan formal dan nonformal.
3) Usaha yang bertujuan meningkatkan persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa yang serba heterogen sehingga dapat terwujud integrasi nasional yang mantap dan dinamis

Dalam lingkup internasional, pembaruan bidang politik, misalnya menyangkut hal-hal sebagai berikut.
1) Diterbitkannya berbagai macam peraturan dan kesepakatan yang mengatur segi kehidupan tertentu, seperti batas kedaulatan, persenjataan strategis, politik dagang, dan organisasi politik yang selalu menyesuaikan dengan situasi dan kondisi masyarakat.
2) Pembaruan sistem politik dan ideologi dari negara yang menganut paham komunis, dan sosialis menjadi sistem pemerintahan yang demokratis.
3) Pembaruan sistem perwakilan yang meliputi duta dan konsul bagi tiap-tiap negara terhadap negara sahabat.

Pengaruh positif modernisasi politik dan ideologi sebagai berikut.

1) Kesadaran politik di kalangan masyarakat semakin meningkat. Hal itu dapat dilihat dari meningkatnya keikutsertaan masyarakat luas dalam percaturan politik melalui wakil-wakil rakyat.
2) Mutu kehidupan beragama semakin meningkat. Hal itu tercermin dari bertambahnya toleransi antarpenganut agama dan kepercayaan serta meningkatnya mutu perilaku manusia dan mutu ketakwaan
kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
3) Ideologi nasional, yaitu Pancasila semakin mantap.
4) Stabilitas politik dan pemerintahan semakin meningkat.
5) Proses pembangunan dan pembaruan baik dalam segi ideologi, politik, ekonomi, sosial budaya, ataupun pertahanan keamanan semakin lancar.

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Contoh Puisi Karya Anak SMA PGRI 1 Sindang

Assalamualaikum, .....
Selamat pagi, sobat blogger, hari ini saya ingin sekali menshare contoh-contoh puisi yang dihasilkan oleh anak-anak SMA PGRI 1 Sindang, Berikut ini karya-karya mereka

Judul : Ibu
Karya : Nuralimah

Sembilan bulan kau mengandungku
menjaga diriku dengan sepenuh hatimu
memberikan kasih sayangmu padaku
dengan sepenuh cintamu

hingga aku dewasa nanti
budi dan jasamu akan ku rindukan lagi
bagaimana aku membalas semua ini
mungkin dengan doa dan bakti

disisa hari-hari tuamu
langkah-langkah yang mulai ragu
menunggu detik-detik terakhirmu
saat dirimu pergi meninggalkanku

Sunday 14 August 2016

The Pipeline

Have you ever heard about a pipeline in computer technology? Guess what. Right. A pipeline is very close to a computer. But can you tell me what a pipeline is? Well, let me explain. A pipeline in a computer is a sequence of stages a computer uses to carry out instructions.

The CPU makes sure every stage in a pipeline is always operating on an instruction. As a stage of pipeline in the CPU finishes manipulating an instruction, it hands its instruction to the next stage and gets another instruction from the stage before it, moving several instructions along the pipeline simultaneously. This process is more efficient than it would be if each instruction had to start at the first stage after the previous instruction finished the final stage.

Oh, I almost forgot, the more pipelines a CPU has, the faster it can execute instructions. A CPU with two or more pipelines is said to be super pipelined or superscalar. Okay. Have you got it? Not yet. How about going to the library and searching more explanations about a pipeline? See you and good luck.

The Lost Wax

Good morning students. Hmm, have you ever heard about ‘Cire Perdue’ or ‘Lost Wax’? Well, let me explain. ‘Cire Perdue’ which is the French word for ‘lost wax’ is a process of wax casting used in making metal sculptures.
When a model is coated with wax, the solidified wax is encased in a two-layer mold of plaster or clay. It is then melted or otherwise removed from the mold, and metal is poured into the space where the wax had been. Oh, I almost forgot, after cooling, the mold is broken to free the metal object.
This ancient method is used to produce sculptures, jewelry, and utilitarian process such as dentures. Do you understand? Not yet? Okay, how about going to the library to find more information about ‘Lost Wax’? See you and good luck.

Find out:
1. What does the text tell you?
2. What is Lost Wax?
3. What are the tools you need in the Lost Wax process?
4. How many stages are there in the Lost Wax process?
5. Which of these is the purpose of the text?
            a. To describe the way thing are.
            b. To explain the processes involved in the formation of sociocultural phenomena.
6. Can you find expressions typically used in the conversation in the text? Mention them.
7. Circle all the action verbs used in the text.
8. Underline all the passive sentences used in the text?
9. Are there any conjunctions used in the text? Mention them?

10. Is the text written in the present tense? Why?

Sound Recordings and Reproduction

Sound recordings and reproduction are two separate process used to record, store, and play back sounds. Sound recordings use microphones to pick up sound waves in the air. The pressure changes associated with the waves are converted into electrical signal, which can be coded and stored for future access. Sound reproduction, or playback, uses additional devices to retrieve the stored information and convert it back into electrical signals. The signals are then sent to a loudspeaker, which converts them back into sound.
To record sound, a microphone changes the acoustic energy of sound waves in the air into electrical signals. Inside a microphone is a thin, flat, metallic surface, called a diaphragm that is suspended in a magnetic field. When a sound wave reaches the microphone, the air pressure changes around the diaphragm, causing the diaphragm to move. This movement within a magnetic field creates an electrical signal. The signal is then transferred to a storage medium, such as a cassette tape, a compact disc (CD), or a phonograph record.

To reproduce sound, a playing device-such as a CD player, cassette deck, or phonograph accesses the stored data. The playing device reads the data and converts the information back into electric energy. The electrical signal is sent to a loudspeaker, which has a diaphragm is housed. The electrical signal creates a disturbance in the magnetic field. These resultant variations in the out and pulls in, creating changes in air pressure to recreate the sound that was originally recorded.
Sound recordings and reproduction form the foundation of many industries, including entertainment, communication, and multimedia business. Recording and reproduction of sound allow people to play their favorite music, whether it was recorded yesterday or many years ago. Radio networks rely on sound recording and reproduction for storing news and other types of programming. Television and motion pictures combine images with music, speech, and sound effects to provide the viewer with an enriched experience. Computer programs, multimedia software, and video games also use sound to make programs more engaging.

Find out:

1. What is a sound recording?
2. The first stage of sound recording is………….
3. How many stages are there in a sound recording process? What are they?
4. What is reproduction?
5. How many stages are there in a production process? What are they?
6. Which of these is the purpose of the text?
            a. To describe the ways things are.
            b. To explain the processes involved in the formation or working of sociocultural phenomena.
7. How many action verbs are there used in the text? What are they?

8. Are there any abstract words used in the text? What are they?

Making Paper from Woodchip

Do you have any paper in your bag ? It may seem like a silly question but do you know how to make paper ? What is paper made of ? Right. And how about ‘wood chipping’? Have you ever heard about it ? Well, wood chipping is a process used to obtain pulp and paper products from forest trees.
First of all, the tops and branches of the trees are cut out and then the logs are taken to the mill. At the mill the bark of the logs is removed and the logs are taken to a chipper which cuts them into small pieces called woodchips. The woodchips are then screened to remove dirt and other impurities. Hmm,….at this stage they are either exported in this form or changed into the pulp by chemicals and heat. Oh, I almost forgot, the pulp is rolled out to make paper.
Considering the complexity of making paper, let’s prepare any paper on our hands. Use it more effectively. Thank you for listening. Bye.

Find out:

1. What are wood chips?
2. What is the first stage of wood chipping?

3. How many stages are there before the pulp is rolled to make paper? What are they?

Life Circle of Malaria Parasite

Malaria is an infection disease caused by a celled one parasite known as Plasmodium. The parasite is transmitted to humans by the bite of female anopheles mosquito. The plasmodium parasite spends its life cycle partly in humans and partly in mosquitoes.
Mosquito infected with the malaria parasite bites human, passing cells called sporozoites into the human’s blood-stream.
Sporozoites travel to the liver. Each sporozoite undergoes sexual reproduction, in which nucleus splits to form two new cells, called merozoites.
Merozoites enter the bloodstream and infect red blood cells.

In red blood cells, merozoites grow and divide to produce more merozoites, eventually causing the red blood cells to rupture. Some of the newly released merozoites go on infect other red blood cells.
Some merozoites develop into sex cells known as male and female gametocytes.
Another mosquito bites the infected human, ingesting the gametocytes.
In the mosquito’s stomach, the gametocytes mature. Male and female gametocytes undergo sexual reproduction, uniting to form a zygote. The zygote multiplies to form sporozoites, which travel to the mosquito’s salivary glands.

If this mosquito bites another human, the cycle begins again.

Friday 12 August 2016

Greeting and Leave-Talking

Formal Greeting:
• Good morning (until about lunch time or before 12 am).
• Good afternoon (12-6 pm).
• Good evening (until about 9 pm).
• Good morning, Sir.

Informal Greeting:
• Hi, Lizzy!
• Morning, Jim!
• Hello.

Responding to initial greetings:
• Very well, thank you and how are you?
• I’m good/okay/alright.
• Very well, thank you.
• Oh, pretty good.
• Not to bad, thanks.
• Fine, thanks.
• Excellent.

Initial Greetings:
• How are you?
• How’s it going?
• How are you doing?
• How’s Life?

• Ok then….
• I’ve got to go now.
• So, I’ll see you next week.
• I think I’d better be going now.
• Well, it’s time for me to leave.
• I think it’s already late at night.
• I must be going home.

• Good bye (formal/informal).
• Bye-bye; Bye; Bye now; See you. Take care.
• See you later… fine.
• See you soon… ok
• See you tonight…. all right
• Good night (after 8 pm or retiring to bed)

Expressing feelings

Expressing happiness: Formal
• Oh, I’m so happy
• I can’t say how pleased I am
• I had a splendid time there
• What a marvelous place I’ve ever seen
• It’s an outstanding adventure
• It’s an interesting experience
• It’s a sensational trip

Expressing boredom: Formal
* I think it was a boring holiday
* It sounds boring
* It’s totally/awfully boring
* I’m rather bored
* How boring!!
* I don’t think the trip was very interesting
* I’m fed up with it

Expressing disappointment: Formal
* That’s very disappointing
* I must say I’m really disappointed
* It’s a great disappointment
* That’s too bad

Expressing disappointment: Informal
* Oh, no!!
* That’s too bad
* That’s a real shame/pity
* It’s a real shame
* Bad luck!!

Expressing boredom: Informal
* It’s totally boring
* The film was awfully boring
* How boring!!
* How unexciting
* I’m fed up with all you gambling!!
* Not interesting
* Dull

Expressing happiness:
* Great!!
* Exciting!!
* Fantastic!!
* Super!!
* Terrific!!
* Smashing!! (British English)
* Hey, that’s terrific/great

Asking if someone remembers or not

Formal expressions:
* I wonder if you remember….
* You remember…. don’t you?
* You haven’t forgotten…. have you?
* Don’t you remember?
* Do you happen to remembers is now?

Ways to respond:
* Let me think, yes, I remember
* I remember especially the scenery
* I’ll never forget that
* I’ll always remember
* I can remember it clearly

Informal expression:
* Remember the old house we used to live in?
* Remember that?
* I’m sorry I don’t remember

Response if you forget:
* Sorry, I’ve completely forgotten
* I’m afraid I forget
* I really can’t remember
* I’m afraid I have no memory of him
* Err, let me think. it’s gone
* Sorry, it slipped off my mind

Ways to respond:
* Hold no. yes, got it!!
* I know…
* It’s coming back to me now

Asking for and showing attention (formal):

Asking for attention (formal):
* Excuse me, I wonder if I could trouble you…..
* May I have your attention, please?
* Excuse me…
* Sorry to trouble you
* Sorry to bother you

Asking for attention (informal):
* Look at me
* Look what I’ve got here
* Look here
* Look!!
* Hey!!
* Attention please!!
* Excuse me!!

Showing attention:
* I see
* Oh, yes
* Mm…
* Aha…
* How interesting!!
* I know what you mean
* Oh, oh!!
* Well, well, well
* Tell me more about it
* Really?
* Oh my god!! What happens next?
* And then what?
* What’s next?
* Is that all?
* Indeed
* Oh, no!!

Inviting someone

Offering on invitation:
* I’d like you to come to dinner
* I’d like to ask you to comes swimming
* Would you like to go to the theater with me on Saturday night….
* How about going to the football match with me tomorrow afternoon?

Declining an invitation:
* I’m so sorry. I’ll be very busy tomorrow night
* I’m afraid that’s not too good for me, what about after lunch?

Accepting an invitation:
* Thank you, I’d be glad to go
* Yes, thank you. I’d be happy to go
* Thank you so much for inviting me
* Let’s meet at the school canteen
* Yes, I’d love to
* Sure
* Great
* All right

Expressing sympathy

Offering condolences:
* I’m sorry
* I’m sorry to hear about your father
* I’m sorry to hear that your little Twettie died
* Let me offer my condolences
* Let me tell you how sorry I am to hear about your grandmother
* I know how you much feel
* You must feel terrible about losing your brother like that

Responding to condolences:
* Thank you
* That’s very kind of you
* There’s nothing that can be done about it
* It’s God’s will, I suppose
* God gives and God takes away
* That’s life


Offering to older people:
* Would you like a cup of coffee, Mr. Green?
* Should I get you a bottle of water?
* Could I offer you a glass of lemonade, Mrs. Lina?
* Would you care for some salad?

Offering to friends:
* Want some?
* Have some
* Chocolate?
* Glass of lemonade?
* Grab some for yourself

Less formal expressions:
* Would you like to have a pancake?
* Why don’t you have some lemonade?
* What can I get for you?
* What will you have?

Declining an offer:
* No, thank
* No, I really won’t, thank you
* Not for me thanks
* No, thanks. I’m not hungry

Accepting an offer:
* Thank you
* Yes, please
* I’d like it very much
* Thank you, I would
* That’s would be very nice

Expressing thanks

Expressing gratitude:
* Thank you
* Thanks
* Thank you very much
* Many thanks
* Thanks a lot
* I thank you
* I’m very much obliged to you
* Thank you for your kindness
* Thank for everything
* Thank for (your help)

Showing gratitude when refusing:
* Thank anyway
* No, thank you
* No, thanks

Expressing compliments

Expressing compliments:
* That’s a lovely cake
* That was a nice lunch
* You look good in that dress
* What a lovely garden
* You’re really a good cook
* You’ve done a great job
* You did it very well
* Well done
* You’re doing just fine
* You’re doing great

Responding to compliments:
* Thank you
* I’m glad you enjoy it
* Thanks. Do you really think so?
* Thank you very much. It’s nice of you to say so
* I’m glad you like it
* Thank a lot

Asking for information:
* I’d like to know. . . .
* I’m interested in. . . .
* Could you tell me . . .?
* Do you know . . .?
* Could you find out . . . ?
* Could I ask . . .?
* Do you happen to know . . .?

* I’d say. . .
* Could it be. . .
* Perhaps it’s. . .
* I think it’s. . .
* It looks like. . . .
* It’s difficult to say, but I’d guess. . . .

Right or wrong:
* That’s
* right.
* Right.
* OK.
* Yes.
* Exactly!
* No, I’m afraid not
* Are you joking?
* Oh?
* Where? Show me.
* I can’t see that
* Goodness!
* What?

Useful phrases to express location:
* To face (is facing, faces)
* To be opposite (is opposite, are opposite)
* On, at, in.
* Under, beneath.
* Over, on the top of
* At the top of, on the site of, at the bottom of
* Inside
* Outside
* Beside, next to, near, between
* In back of, in the middle of, in front of
* (to)(on) the left (of), (to)(on) the right (of)
* Across from
* (at)(on) the corner of
* At the end of
* To be located (is located)
* To be situated (is situated)
* To lie (lies, lie)

Expression congratulations:

Expression of congratulation:
*           Congratulation!
*           Congratulation on your promotion
*           May I congratulate you on winning the contest?
*           I must congratulate you on your success
*           Please accept my warmest congratulations on your wedding day
*           I congratulate you on your being admitted in one of the favorite senior high school in our district
*           Please accept my heartiest congratulations

Responses to congratulations:
* Thank!
* Thank you
* thank you very much
Expressions used in an interview

Opening the interview:
* Good afternoon
* Excuse me, I didn’t quite catch your name
* Have a good time
* Thank for your. . . .
* It is a big surprise
* I congratulate you on. . .

Asking for information:
* Could I ask?
* Where was it?
* I’m calling to find out. . .
* Do you realize that. . . . .
* Actually. . .
* And?
* Well, let me see. . .
* First/then/after that/at the end

The expression used to say believe or not believe are:

Asking if you believe it or not:
* Do you believe it?
* Wouldn’t you believe it?
* Can you imagine that?
* You don’t believe it, do you?
* Don’t you think it’s odd that . . . .?

Responding to believe it or not:
* No, I don’t believe it
* Are you serious?
* Are you joking?
* Are you kidding?
* You must be joking/kidding!
* Oh, no! That not true!
* You don’t say!
* Seeing is believing.

Expressing being surprised

Telling surprising news:
* Guess what!
* Surprise!
* I’ve got news, for you
* Do you know what?
* You won’t believe it

Responding to believe or not:
* Oh, no that’s not true.
* You don’t say
* Really? That sounds interesting
* Really? It’s surprising that. . .
* Seeing is believing
* Good heavens
* My goodness!
* This is really a surprise!