Bahasa Inggris Lintas Minat (Announcement form)

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Good Afternoon students,
How are you today?
I hope you're fine.
In this days, we will study about announcement form.

Announcement is a statement made to the public or to the media which gives information about something that has happened or that will happen. However, not everyone who hears or reads the announcement has an interest in the announcement. Announcements can be heard or read anywhere, for example oral announcements at school or in public places, while written announcements can be read on notice boards, in magazines, and in newspapers.

Announcement type
  • Missing person announcement
  • obituary
  • News of weddings, birthdays, inaugurations and births
  • winner announcement
  • job vacancy
  • Advertisement
  • Activity / event report
  • Notification / appeal from the government

The purpose of the Announcement
The purpose of the announcement text is to inform information about an event, job vacancies, acceptance of new students, acceptance of new students, and so on by providing formal information to the general public or certain people (To give a formal written notice of certain events).
Generic Structure Announcement
1. Title: This is the most important part because it represents the overall contents of the announcer. Even so sometimes it is not clearly stated.
2. Explanation: Further explanation of the announcement. Usually consists of basic information which includes: type of activity, time, place, and participant.


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