Mari Berbagi Ilmu: ABSTRACT


Saturday 23 July 2016


RIO ZENI MANDRAGUNA. 882030109094. Improving Students’ Motivation In Speaking English Through Collaborative Learning. Paper. Indramayu: English Education Department of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science. Wiralodra University. 2015

Speaking ability is one of the most important things in life, thus any expression of thought that comes from mind can be conveyed by speaking. Dornyei (2001) says that when the target of the learning process is the mastery of a second language, it becomes even more complex. It means that when learning language the role of motivation is very important since the students can’t learn effectively with less motivation. This research will focus on the motivation to speak English, because speaking English considered has so many troubles to do, compare with other three English skills. The aim of conducting this study is to know whether collaborative learning is really effective to improve students speaking skill.
In this research, the writer applied the theory of, Harmer (2001) he said that the ability to speak fluently presupposes not only knowledge of language features, but also the ability to process information and language spot. In this research, the researcher used collaborative learning to improve students’ motivation in speaking English, Srinivas (2012) explained that collaborative learning is an instruction method in which learners work in groups toward a common academic goal. Several reasons the writer choose this method because this method can encourage students' use of their own knowledge, ensure that students share their knowledge and their learning strategies, treat each other respectfully, and focus on high levels of understanding. It also help students listen to diverse opinions, support knowledge claims with evidence, engage in critical and creative thinking, and participate in open and meaningful dialogue.

The subjects of this research were the third grade of students SMA PGRI 1 Sindang in the academic year of 2014/2015. The number of the subjects was 24 students. This research was an experimental study. This research used which consist of Pre-test and post-test. The writer also uses questionnaire in this study as a means of collecting the data needed.

The data were analyzed by using quantitative data. In this research, the writer used collaborative learning method. The writer gives the students a pre-test before the writer gives the treatment. After the treatment, the writer gives the post-test to the students. The writer also used questionnaire to know the students’ responds about their experience in using collaborative learning method for learning English. The result after getting the treatment using collaborative learning method score increase in line with the increase of the students’ achievement. Before getting the treatment students’ average score was 52 and after giving treatment was 72, so it increased 20. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that by using collaborative learning in teaching speaking, teacher can improve students’ motivation in speaking English. And it is hoped that it can be valuable as the information resource for students, teachers, and the researcher his self.

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