
Saturday 23 July 2016


            The writer is pearly in debuted to many people who have supported to complete the paper. The writer would like also to express her deepest gratitude and appreciation to:
1.      Mr. Dr. Ujang Suratno, SH., M.Si. as Rector of Wiralodra University.
2.      Mr. H. Nasori Efendi, S.S., M.Pd. as Dean of Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Science.
3.      Mr. Khaeril Anwar as a Headmaster of SMA PGRI 1 Sindang, who gives permit to the writer to have a research in his Senior High School.
4.      Mrs. Lintang Mega Kemuning, S.Pd. as Teacher of third grade. Thanks for giving the writer permission to treat and take data of her students.
5.      Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd. as First Supervisor. Who gives encouragement, advices, and guidance in arranging the paper, also for the time provided for the writer to have a guidance. The writer thanks very much.
6.      Mr. Drs. Hardjono as Second Supervisor. Who has give many suggestion and valuable time in guiding the writer to finish the paper. The writer thanks very much.
7.      His beloved mother, thanks for love, prayer and support for everything. Thanks for brightening up the writer’s life.
8.      His beloved father, thanks for the love and guidance from the heaven.
9.      His beloved brother and sister in-law, also for uncles and aunts, the writer thanks for attentions and happiness.
10.  His special friend, Fauziah. Thanks for care and support.
11.  His beloved friends: Elia, Fathkul, Roselia Naharani. Thanks for the beautiful moments and support.
12.  All of the writer’s best friends who can’t be mentioned one by one. The writer appreciate them very much

Finally, the writer could not give anything, just prays for the equal kindness of them. May Allah SWT bless all of us. Amiin..

Indramayu,  March 2015

The writer

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